بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Child Reaching Hand

Please give a helping hand to the families in need

Jannah Road is a non-profit and NZ registered charity trust (CC51652). We accept direct donations -tax deductible- to assist us in providing the support back to the community.

We carefully distribute Zakat, Fitr and Sadaqa according to the donors’ request within Islamic requirements. Thanks to Allah (swt) and our local community from Ramadhan 2016, we have distrubuted zakat and fitr money to extremely poor and unfortunate refugees overseas. We also distribute money to refugees and families here in New Zealand.

If you wish to contribute to our charity, please give generously to the account below with a reference to the type of donation and contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.

Jannah Road Charity Trust
Registration Number: CC51652
Account Name: Jannah Road
Account Number: 38-9016-0844751-02

For overseas donors: SWIFT Code: KIWINZ22

Jannah Road Charity was New Zealand’s First Islamic Op Shop committed to supporting our Muslim and wider communities. Some of our income that came from the shop went towards supporting organisations such as the WTG Group from 2014 to 2017.

The amount of money our charity op shop fund-raised for WTG’s child placement project was $16,425.00.

We sold WTG fund raising biscuits at our shop. Total sold 1218 packets which means an extra $1218 donated to WTG.

Our charity efforts are transparent to the public so please find below our proof of receipts which show the money is transferred regularly.
2014 2015 2016 2017


Quran: Surah 2. Al-Baqara, Ayah 267

O believers, spend in Allah’s Way the best portion of the wealth you have lawfully earned and that which We have produced for you from the earth, and do not pick out for charity those worthless things that you yourselves would not accept but with closed eyes. Bear in mind that Allah is Self-Sufficient, Praiseworthy.

What We Can and Can’t Accept as Donations

Our charity relies entirely on the generosity of the donors in our community. We prefer monetary donations to reach our projects. If you’re moving house, or simply having a clear-out, donating goods to our charity is a great way to support us and help those in need. To arrange your donations please call us on 021 08310030

Unfortunately we are unable to accept:

  • Baby/children’s car restraint seats that have expired
  • Helmets that have expired
  • Fax machines
  • Electric blankets, hot water bottles, gas bottles & gas heaters
  • Any electrical goods that have frayed cords or any other obvious faults
  • Wire wove & divan beds
  • Inflatable toys
  • Encyclopedias & Readers Digest condensed books and magazines
  • Cracked/broken glass, china & pottery
  • Soiled/moldy, stained or damaged clothing
  • Pillows/duvets (bedding) that is marked/mildewed etc
  • Rusty tins, tools etc
  • Drugs, medications, needles – either prescribed or pharmacy purchased
Jannah Road Charity welcome:

  • Good quality, clean clothing and shoes
  • Bags and accessories
  • Jewellery and valuables
  • Home wares: china, kitchenware, Islamic ornaments and pictures
  • Soft furnishings: small rugs, linen, curtains
  • Islamic clothing: Abayas, jubbas, caps, scarves etc
  • Furniture (needs to be arranged prior)